Tuesday, May 22, 2018

How To Randomly Hack A Home Routers

How To Randomly Hack A Home Routers

In this tutorial "How to Randomly Hack a Home Routers", we are going to show you how to use port scanner to identify home routers (and even office routers :p) and after that we will try to log in to those routers.
In the world most of users doesn't change there router's default password because most of them only know how to use without know how to configure the router itself. So that's the point. We can use that vulnerability to hack the routers.
  • Port Scanner (I use zenmap in this tutorial)
  • Web Browser (I use Google Chrome)
  • Internet Connection
First of all I want to tell you why I use Zenmap because Nmap is the best friend of hackers and Zenmap is the graphical user interface of nmap.
How to Randomly Hack a Home Routers

Step by Step How to Randomly Hack a Home Routers

1. We should select an IP range. I have selected IP range that includes my public IP address.
2. Now let's scan for home routers.
When you finished your scan, You can find IP addresses which has open ports such as http port(80), ftp port(21) and telnet port(23).
I have found many IP addesses with port 80 is opened.
How to Randomly Hack a Home Routers
So I stopped my scan.
3. Now you can access these addesses using your web browser because http port is opened and we need to find whether the web page is router log in page.

How to Randomly Hack a Home Routers
4. If you see the alert error messages, it says TD-8817. So we can Google for it
search "TD-8817 default username and password"
How to Randomly Hack a Home Routers
5. Now let's try to access these IP addresses using default logins we just got on step 4.
Default username and passwords are not same for every routers.


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